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Resume Controller

This page will describe internal structure and detailed design of Resume controller


Classes named like *Impl only represent implementations of the abstract sub classes and may not be named the same in the SDL Core project.
UML Refresher

  • Aggregation: Solid line with open diamond
  • Composition: Solid line with filled diamond
  • Inheritance: Dotted line with open arrow
  • Dependency: Dotted line with two prong arrow

Resume Controller

The resume controller's responsibility is to handle the resumption responsibilities of SDL.
There are 2 resumption types :

  • HMI state resumption
  • Data resumption

The resume controller does both.

HMI state resumption

In the case of unexpected disconnect SDL should store an application's HMI state for the next 3 ignition cycles.
On next application registration SDL should restore last saved application HMI state.

ResumptionData is responsible for application data restoring.
ResumeCtrlImpl is responsible for HMI state restoring.

ResumeCtrlImpl will remove application hmi_state info from resumption data after 3 ignition cycles.
On each shutdown ResumeCtrlImpl will increment ign_off_count value for each application.

On App registration ResumeCtrl::StartResumptionOnlyHMILevel or ResumeCtrlImpl::StartResumption will put application in a queue for resumption.
Internal timer in ResumeCtrlImpl will restore application hmi_state in several seconds (configured by ApplicationManagerSettings::app_resuming_timeout)
In the case where another application has already registered, the StateController will take care of resolving any HMI state conflicts.

Data resumption

SDL restores application data if an application sends the appropriate hashID in the RegisterAppInterface request. This hash updates after each data change.
SDL stores resumption data either in json or in database, this option is configurable via INI file UseDBForResumption=false field in [Resumption] section.

ResumeControllerImpl requests app data from ResumptionData class and provides it to ResumptionDataProcessor

ResumptionDataProcessor is responsible for restoring application data and provides the result to RegisterAppInterface via a callback.


ResumptionData class is used to represent resumption data agnostic to data storage.
ResumptionData provides app resumption data in the Smart Object representation.

There are 2 implementations of resumption data :
* ResumptionDataJson
* ResumptionDataDB

ResumptionData does not contain active components : timers, reactions, callbacks, etc ...
It is responsible for data storage.


ResumptionDataProcessor is responsible for restoring resumption data and tracking its status.

Main public function for resumptions is ResumptionDataProcessor::Restore :

  * @brief Running resumption data process from saved_app to application.
  * @param application Application which will be resumed
  * @param saved_app Application specific section from backup file
  * @param callback Function signature to be called when
  * data resumption will be finished
  void Restore(app_mngr::ApplicationSharedPtr application,
               smart_objects::SmartObject& saved_app,
               ResumeCtrl::ResumptionCallBack callback);

ResumeCtrl::ResumptionCallBack callback is a function that should be called after data resumption :

typedef std::function<void(mobile_apis::Result::eType result_code,
                             const std::string& info)> ResumptionCallBack;
  • Some resumption data should be restored in the Application class itself.
  • Some resumption data should be stored in plugins : ApplicationExtensions.
  • Some resumption data requires sending HMI requests.

ResumptionDataProcessor is inherited from EventObserver to track responses.

If all responses are successful ResumptionDataProcessor will call callback(SUCCESS)

If some of the data failed to restore, ResumptionDataProcessor will revert already restored data and call callback(ERROR_CODE, info).

The requirements are available in proposal 0190: Handle response from HMI during resumption data

RegisterAppInterface will wait for the callback to send a response to a mobile application.


Application extension contains following methods for resumption :

   * @brief SaveResumptionData method called by SDL when it saves resumption
   * data.
   * @param resumption_data data reference to data, that will be appended by
   * plugin
  virtual void SaveResumptionData(
      smart_objects::SmartObject& resumption_data) = 0;

   * @brief ProcessResumption Method called by SDL during resumption.
   * @param resumption_data list of resumption data
  virtual void ProcessResumption(
      const smart_objects::SmartObject& resumption_data) = 0;

   * @brief RevertResumption Method called by SDL during revert resumption.
   * @param subscriptions Subscriptions from which must discard
  virtual void RevertResumption(
      const smart_objects::SmartObject& subscriptions) = 0;

Only an application's extension have an access to active data, data send and data revert process.
Each application extension uses its own plugin to manipulate with functionality.

SaveResumptionData will fill passed resumption_data for saving to ResumptionData.

Example from VehicleInfoAppExtension:

SDLRPCPlugin& plugin_;
void VehicleInfoAppExtension::SaveResumptionData(
    smart_objects::SmartObject& resumption_data) {
  resumption_data[strings::application_vehicle_info] =
  int i = 0;
  for (const auto& subscription : subscribed_data_) {
    resumption_data[strings::application_vehicle_info][i++] = subscription;

ProcessResumption will send appropriate HMI requests, and change internal SDL state according to provided resumption_data. All HMI responses will be transferred to ResumptionDataProcessor

Example from SDLWaypointAppExtension:

SDLRPCPlugin& plugin_;
void SDLWaypointAppExtension::ProcessResumption(
    const smart_objects::SmartObject& saved_app) {
  const bool subscribed_for_way_points =
  if (subscribed_for_way_points_so) {
    plugin_.ProcessResumptionSubscription(app_, *this);

On each request sent to HMI Plugin will call resumption_data_processor->SubscribeOnResponse.
This will inform ResumptionDataProcessor that it should wait for a response before finishing resumption and sending RAI response to mobile.

RevertResumption will send the appropriate HMI requests to revert provided subscriptions.

Resumption of Subscriptions

If multiple applications are trying to restore the same subscription, SDL should send the only first subscription to HMI. If the first subscription was failed and the application received RESUME_FAILED result code, for the second application SDL should also try to restore the subscription.

For the waiting subscription result, SDL uses the ExtensionPendingResumptionHandler class.
Each plugin contains its own ExtensionPendingResumptionHandler for subscriptions resumption.

For subscriptions resumption plugin calls ExtensionPendingResumptionHandler::HandleResumptionSubscriptionRequest(app_extension, application)

ExtensionPendingResumptionHandler sends requests to HMI for all subscriptions available in app_extension and tracks responses with the on_event method inherited from EventObserver.

In the case some subscription request to the HMI was already sent but the response was not received yet,ExtensionPendingResumptionHandler will not send an additional request to HMI but store internally that appropriate subscription resumption is "frozen". When the response is received from the HMI, SDL will manage both resumptions according to response data.
For "frozen" resumptions ExtensionPendingResumptionHandler will raise an event so that ResumeDataProcessor will receive this event and understand it as response from HMI.

OnResumptionRevert is used to trigger the next frozen resumption if no requests are currently waiting for a response.

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