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Remote Control

Remote Control Guide

This guide will explain how to use Remote Control within SDL. The guide will cover...

Relevant Evolution Proposals

Relevant Structs


The remote control capabilities struct contains a capabilities struct for each different remote control type.

Each capabilities struct is used to inform an app of what is available to be controlled.


The module data struct contains information used to identify a module type, and the control data associated with that module.

Each control data struct is used to observe or change the attributes of a specific module type.

The module information struct is used for identifying the module and for determining who can control it.

The grid struct is used to generically describe the space within a vehicle.

Relevant RPCs


After the BC.IsReady notification is received, SDL will send out an IsReady request for each interface. The response to this RPC just includes the boolean parameter available indicating if the HMI supports that interface and would like to continue to interact with it.

View IsReady in the HMI Documentation


Once SDL has received a positive IsReady response it will send a GetCapabilities request to the HMI. The HMI should respond with a RemoteControlCapabilities parameter for SDL to store and use later when a mobile application sends a GetSystemCapability request. This will overwrite the capabilities SDL loaded from the hmi_capabilities.json configuration file.

View GetCapabilities in the HMI Documentation


This RPC is the starting point for an app using remote control features, it will tell you what is available to be controlled within the vehicle. GetSystemCapability is not specific to Remote Control, but a generic function used to retrieve the capabilities of multiple different modules within SDL such as navigation, video streaming or app services. However, when GetSystemCapability is called with the capability type of REMOTE_CONTROL, it will return the RemoteControlCapabilities object which in turn contains objects describing the capabilities of each remote control module present in the vehicle. These capabilities objects will contain properties like heatedMirrorsAvailable to indicate if a vehicle is equipped with heated mirrors, or supportedLights to inform SDL of which lights are available to be controlled.

View GetSystemCapability in the RPC Spec


GetInteriorVehicleData is used to request information about a specific module. This RPC, provided a module is specified by moduleType and moduleId, will return the status of the requested remote-control module. This RPC can also be used to subscribe to updates of a module's status via the subscribe parameter. If this non-mandatory parameter is set to true, the head unit will register OnInteriorVehicleData notifications for the requested module. Conversely, if this parameter is set to false, the head unit will unregister OnInteriorVehicleData notifications for the requested module.


If an application sends GetInteriorVehicleData (subscribe=true, moduleType=MODULE1), but the application is already subscribed on MODULE1 module type, SDL will respond with a WARNINGS resultCode because of the double subscription.

View GetInteriorVehicleData in the RPC Spec or the HMI Documentation


OnInteriorVehicleData is a notification sent out by the HMI when an update is made to a remote control module. An app can subscribe to these notifications via GetInteriorVehicleData. This RPC will come with a ModuleData structure identifying the changed module and containing the control data object with the new state.

View OnInteriorVehicleData in the RPC Spec or the HMI Documentation


SetInteriorVehicleData is used to set the values of a remote control module by passing in a ModuleData structure. The moduleType and moduleId fields are used to identify the targeted module, and the changes in the respective control data object are applied to that module.

View SetInteriorVehicleData in the RPC Spec or the HMI Documentation


OnRemoteControlSettings is used to notify SDL when passengers of a vehicle change the remote control settings via the HMI. This includes allowing or disallowing Remote Control or changing the access mode that will be used for resource allocation.

View OnRemoteControlSettings in the HMI Documentation


OnRCStatus is a notification sent out by SDL when an update is made to a remote control module's availability. When SDL either allocates a module to an app, or deallocates it from an app, SDL will send OnRCStatus to both the application and the HMI. This notification contains two lists, one describing the modules that are allocated to the application and the other describing the free modules that can be accessed by the application. This notification also contains an allowed parameter, which indicates to apps whether or not Remote Control is currently allowed. If allowed is false, both module lists will be empty.

View OnRCStatus in the RPC Spec or the HMI Documentation


GetInteriorVehicleDataConsent is a request used to reserve remote control modules. If a module does not allow multiple access, only the application that requested consent first will be able to interact with that module. Otherwise, if the module does allow multiple access, the rules specified in the Consent section) apply. This request requires a moduleType and an array of moduleIds to identify the target modules. Core will reply with an array of booleans indicating the consent for each requested moduleId where true signals allowed and vice versa.

View GetInteriorVehicleDataConsent in the RPC Spec or the HMI Documentation


ReleaseInteriorVehicleDataModule is a request used to free a remote control module once an application is finished interacting with it. This request requires a moduleType and moduleId to identify the target module.

View ReleaseInteriorVehicleDataModule in the RPC Spec


SetGlobalProperties is a request sent by a mobile app to inform SDL of a user's location within the vehicle. The request includes a userLocation parameter which contains a grid. The location of a user is important for SDL to know so it can determine whether or not a user is within a module's service area.

View SetGlobalProperties in the RPC Spec or the HMI Documentation

Remote Control Modules


The climate module consists of climate sub-modules represented by a ClimateControlCapabilities object. Each sub-module exposes many aspects of a car's climate controls, such as setting the desired temperature or turning on the heated windshield.


The radio module consists of radio sub-modules represented by a RadioControlCapabilities object. Each sub-module exposes many aspects of a car's radio controls, such as setting the desired frequency and band the radio is operating on.


The seat module consists of seat sub-modules represented by a SeatControlCapabilities object. Each sub-module exposes many aspects of a car's seat controls, such as setting the back tilt angle and the massage mode.


The audio module consists of audio sub-modules represented by a AudioControlCapabilities object. Each sub-module exposes many aspects of a car's audio controls, such as setting the volume or modifying the equalizer settings.


The light module does not contain any sub-modules but instead has an array of LightCapabilities objects, each identified by a LightName. This module exposes the ability to modify attributes such as the brightness and color of each light.

HMI Settings

The HMI settings module does not contain any sub-modules and is represented by an HMISettingsControlCapabilities object. This module exposes the ability to set the desired temperature and distance units as well as toggle the display mode of the HMI between night and day.


Button is an interesting remote control component because it is not a remote control module. RemoteControlCapabilities includes an array of ButtonCapabilities structs which describe either a physical button or a softbutton. A mobile app may send a ButtonPress RPC with the ButtonName and moduleId from any of these ButtonCapabilities to perform an action on another remote control module.

The behavior of module allocation in SDL Core is shown in the following table:


The driver is always considered to be within the service area.
SDL will assume actions performed by the driver are consented to by the driver.
Resources can only be acquired by apps in HMI level full.

User Location Allow Multiple Access Requested Module State Access Mode SDL Action
out of service area any any any disallow
in service area any free any allow
in service area false in use any disallow
in service area true in use auto allow allow
in service area true in use auto deny disallow
in service area true in use ask driver ask driver

Requested Module State

  • "free" indicates no application currently holds the requested resource
  • "in use" indicates that an application currently holds the requested resource
  • "busy" indicates at least one RC RPC request is currently executing and has yet to finish


You can take a look at the Remote Control section of the policies guide to see how remote control permissions are defined.


Interior Vehicle Data Subscriptions

During the data resumption process, SDL sends GetInteriorVehicleData(subscribe=true) requests to the HMI and stores data received from the HMI in a cache.

If during resumption the HMI responds with error to a GetInteriorVehicleData request or responds with SUCCESS to a GetInteriorVehicleData but with parameter isSubscribed=false, SDL reverts already subscribed data and fails resumption for related application(s), removing information about this subscription.

For more information about how SDL handles resumption, you can take a look at the Application Data Resumption guide.

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