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INI Configuration

INI Configuration

The INI file, located at build/src/appMain/smartDeviceLink.ini after you compile and install SDL, is where runtime options can be configured for your instance of SDL Core. Descriptions for each of these configurations are found in the file itself.

The INI file is structured as follows:


; property1 description
property1_name = property1_value
; property2 description
property2_name = property2_value


; property1 description
property1_name = property1_value
; property2 description
property2_name = property2_value




As the guides progress, some of these sections will be discussed in greater detail.

  • HMI - Settings relating to the HMI connection, including server and port information.
  • MEDIA MANAGER - Settings related to media features (audio/video streaming and audio pass thru). Several of these options are described in more detail in the Audio/Video Streaming Guide.
  • GLOBAL PROPERTIES - Settings to define default values to set when ResetGlobalProperties is sent by a mobile application.
  • FILESYSTEM RESTRICTIONS - Settings to define limits for file operations by applications in the NONE HMI Level.
  • AppInfo - Settings for where to store application info for resumption purposes.
  • Security Manager - Only used when built with ENABLE_SECURITY=ON. Settings to define how Core establishes secure services, as well as which services need to be protected.
  • Policy - Options for policy table storage and usage.
  • TransportManager - Configuration options for each transport adapter, including system information to be sent to SDL applications.
  • CloudAppConnections - Only used when built with BUILD_CLOUD_APP_SUPPORT=ON. Settings for connecting to cloud applications.
  • ProtocolHandler - SDL Protocol-level options, including the protocol version used by Core.
  • SDL5 - SDL Protocol options which were introduced with protocol version 5, allows for specifying invidividual MTUs by service type.
  • ApplicationManager - Miscellaneous settings related to application handling.
  • Resumption - Options regarding application resumption data storage and handling.
  • TransportRequiredForResumption - Options for restricting HMI level resumption based on app type and transport (defined in SDL-0149).
  • LowBandwidthTransportResumptionLevel - Extended options for restricting resumption, where exceptions can be defined for the rules in TransportRequiredForResumption (defined in SDL-0149).
  • MultipleTransports - Settings related to the Multiple Transports feature, allowing an application to connect over two transports at the same time (defined in SDL-0141).
  • ServicesMap - Settings for restricting Audio and Video services by transport, to be used in conjunction with the MultipleTransports section (defined in SDL-0141).
  • AppServices - Configuration options related to the app services feature (defined in SDL-0167).
  • RCModuleConsent - Settings regarding storage of RC module consent records.

Modifying the configuration


SDL must be started/re-started after the smartDeviceLink.ini file is modified for changes to take effect.

To modify the runtime configurations for your instance of SDL Core:

  1. Modify the build/src/appMain/smartDeviceLink.ini file
  2. Re-run make install in the build directory
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