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Migrating SDL Core 8.0 to 8.1

Migrating SDL Core 8.0 to 8.1

API changes

The 8.1 release had a few changes to the HMI API that will require updates to your SDL Core integration in your head unit.

Removal of UI.SetDisplayLayout

With the release of SDL Core 8.1, the UI.SetDisplayLayout RPC has been removed from the HMI API.

-  <function name="SetDisplayLayout" messagetype="request">
-    <description>This RPC is deprecated. Use Show RPC to change layout.</description>
-    <param name="displayLayout" type="String" maxlength="500" mandatory="true">
-      <description>
-        Predefined or dynamically created screen layout.
-        Currently only predefined screen layouts are defined.
-      </description>
-    </param>
-    <param name="appID" type="Integer" mandatory="true">
-      <description>ID of application related to this RPC.</description>
-    </param>
-    <param name="dayColorScheme" type="Common.TemplateColorScheme" mandatory="false"></param>
-    <param name="nightColorScheme" type="Common.TemplateColorScheme" mandatory="false"></param>
-  </function>

-  <function name="SetDisplayLayout" messagetype="response">
-    <description>This RPC is deprecated. Use Show RPC to change layout.</description>
-    <param name="displayCapabilities" type="Common.DisplayCapabilities" mandatory="false">
-      <description>See DisplayCapabilities</description>
-    </param>
-    <param name="buttonCapabilities" type="Common.ButtonCapabilities" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true" mandatory="false">
-      <description>See ButtonCapabilities</description >
-    </param>
-    <param name="softButtonCapabilities" type="Common.SoftButtonCapabilities" minsize="1" maxsize="100" array="true" mandatory="false">
-      <description>If returned, the platform supports on-screen SoftButtons; see SoftButtonCapabilities.</description >
-    </param>
-    <param name="presetBankCapabilities" type="Common.PresetBankCapabilities" mandatory="false">
-      <description>If returned, the platform supports custom on-screen Presets; see PresetBankCapabilities.</description >
-    </param>
-  </function>

When an app sends a SetDisplayLayout request, SDL now transforms it into a UI.Show request (with the templateConfiguration parameter set based on the parameters defined in the SetDisplayLayout request) and forwards it to the HMI. The UI.SetDisplayLayout implementation was also removed from the SDL HMI and Generic HMI. However, developers may decide to keep their implementation to support older versions of SDL Core.

Removal of duplicate parameter from BasicCommunication.OnPutFile

The duplicate parameter FileName was removed from the BasicCommunication.OnPutFile RPC in the HMI API

<function name="OnPutFile" messagetype="notification" >
        Notification that is sent to HMI when a mobile application uploads a file
-     <param name="FileName" type="String" maxlength="255" mandatory="true">
-       <description>File reference name.</description>
-     </param>

      <param name="syncFileName" type="String" maxlength="255" mandatory="true">
        <description>File reference name.</description>
      <param name="fileType" type="Common.FileType" mandatory="true">
          <description>Selected file type.</description>

The parameter was unused. SDL Core uses syncFileName in the notification sent to the HMI.

Core behavior changes

Reject PROPRIETARY/HTTP SystemRequests when PTU is not in progress

With the release of 8.1, SDL Core will now reject incoming PROPRIETARY/HTTP SystemRequests when a policy table update (PTU) is not in progress and if an application not selected for the PTU sends the request.

This was identified as a security flaw since it would allow any application to trigger a PTU. For more information please see proposal 0337.

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