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Uploading Images

Uploading Images


If you use the ScreenManager, image uploading for template graphics, soft buttons, and menu items is handled for you behind the scenes. However, you will still need to manually upload your images if you need images in an alert, VR help lists, turn-by-turn directions, or other features not currently covered by the ScreenManager.

You should be aware of these four things when using images in your SDL app:

  1. You may be connected to a head unit that does not have the ability to display images.
  2. You must upload images from your mobile device to the head unit before using them in a template.
  3. Persistent images are stored on a head unit between sessions. Ephemeral images are destroyed when a session ends (i.e. when the user turns off their vehicle).
  4. Images can not be uploaded when the app's hmiLevel is NONE. For more information about permissions, please review Understanding Permissions.

Checking if Graphics are Supported

Before uploading images to a head unit you should first check if the head unit supports graphics. If not, you should avoid uploading unnecessary image data. To check if graphics are supported, check the getCapability() method of a valid SystemCapabilityManager obtained from sdlManager.getSystemCapabilityManager() to find out the display capabilities of the head unit.

List<ImageField> imageFields = sdlManager.getSystemCapabilityManager().getDefaultMainWindowCapability().getImageFields();
boolean imagesSuported = (imageFields.size() > 0);

Uploading an Image Using the File Manager

The FileManager uploads files and keeps track of all the uploaded files names during a session. To send data with the FileManager, you need to create either a SdlFile or SdlArtworkobject. Both SdlFiles and SdlArtworks can be created with using filePath, or byte[].

SdlArtwork artwork = new SdlArtwork("image_name", FileType.GRAPHIC_PNG, image, false);
sdlManager.getFileManager().uploadFile(artwork, new CompletionListener() {
    public void onComplete(boolean success) {
        if (success){
            // Image Upload Successful

Batch File Uploads, Persistence, etc.

Similar to other files, artworks can be persistent, batched, overwrite, etc. See Uploading Files for more information.

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